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Dos Monos / 春ねむり 

WWW presents dots Dos Monos × 春ねむり 

Dos Monos / 春ねむり 
18:30 / 19:30
¥3,800 / ¥4,300(税込 / オールスタンディング / ドリンク代別)
Dos Monos / 春ねむり 
e+ / ZAIKO
WWW X 03-5458-7688

WWWの2マンシリーズ "dots" にてDos Monosと春ねむりが初共演。

互いにヒップホップを軸としながらもハードコアな強さと繊細さを兼ね備え躍動感のあるサウンドへと昇華させるDos Monosと春ねむりが初共演。

フライヤーのアートワークは二組の楽曲によるインスピレーションをもとに北川陽介が描き下ろし、デザインはOkuyama Taikiが手掛けた。



Dos Monos

Dos Monos_APIC_New.png荘子it、TaiTan、没 aka NGSによるラップトリオ。
2018年に米レーベル・Deathbomb Arcと契約を発表し、2019年3月にデビューアルバム『Dos City』をリリース。以後、国内外を問わずさまざまなイベント/フェスへの出演や、主催イベント「Theater D」にて日本音楽界の異端の存在としてシーンにその確固たる地位を築く。
UKのロックバンド・black midiや、USのHIP HOPクルー・Injury Reserveなどのミュージシャンにとどまらず、台湾のIT担当大臣・オードリー・タン、作家・筒井康隆、漫画家・林田球などとジャンルを超えたコラボレーションを展開。また2021年には、映像ディレクター・上出遼平とテレビ東京の停波帯をジャックした番組『蓋』を共同企画し、連動する形でアルバム『Larderello』を発表するなど作品の新しい拡げ方にも注力。ほかにも、シングル「王墓」が「HITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents DOCUMENTAL Season10」のOP曲として起用されるなど幅広い活動をみせる。
2022年10月からblack midiとのヨーロッパツアー、そして2023年夏からの単独ヨーロッパツアーを成功させてきた最中に突如として第一期の活動終了を報告し、2024年より新たに第二期のDos Monosとして活動することを宣言した。

・Dos Monos

Zo Zhit, TaiTan, and Botsu aka NGS are a hip-hop trio known for their experimental sound and high-energy live performances. They have gained enthusiastic support from various scenes both in Japan and abroad. In 2018, they announced a contract with LA label Deathbomb Arc, and released their debut album "Dos City" in March 2019. Since then, they have established a firm position in the Japanese music scene through their performances at various events and festivals, as well as through their self-produced event "Theater D," which is held irregularly at live houses, clubs, movie theaters, and online.

The trio's collaborations are not limited to the music industry, as they have also worked with Audrey Tang, Taiwan's Minister of Digital, and Yasutaka Tsutsui, a giant in the world of Japanese literature. They have also collaborated with Ryohei Kamide, a producer of HardBoiled Gourmet Report, to produce the experimental late-night TV show "Futa," which was accompanied by an album called "Larderello." Their single "ŌBO" was used as the opening theme song for "HITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents DOCUMENTAL Season10," among other achievements.

In addition, the trio has crossed genres and collaborated with artists such as UK rock band "black midi" and US hip-hop group "Injury Reserve". They have recently successfully completed a European tour with black midi in October 2022, solidifying their position as an outlier in the global hip-hop scene that is currently gaining attention.


HEAD SHOT_INSAINT.jpg横浜出身のシンガーソングライター / ポエトリーラッパー / プロデューサー。自身で全楽曲の作詞・作曲・編曲を担当する。
2018年4月、1stフルアルバム『春と修羅』をリリース。2019年、マレーシア・台湾の大型ロックフェスへ出演し、3月からは香港・上海・北京・台湾・日本と、アジア全5ヵ所を回るツアーを開催。6月にはヨーロッパを代表する20万人級の巨大フェス「Primavera Sound」に出演のほか、6か国15公演のヨーロッパツアーを開催。

2022年3月、北米ツアーを開催し全ての公演がソールドアウトと大盛況で幕を閉じる。その後の「SXSW」ではロシアのフェミニスト・パンク・ロック集団「Pussy Riot」のステージに招かれ"Police State"でゲストボーカルとして参加。
2023年、Spotifyによる「RADAR:Early Noise 2023」に選出、「SUMMER SONIC 2023」/ ヨーロッパ大型フェスへの出演など、注目度はさらに高まりつつある中、新作『INSAINT』を発表。ヘッドライン・ツアーとしてヨーロッパ、タイ、ニュージーランド、オーストラリアを回る。
そして2024年、6年ぶりとなる国内ツアーが決定。さらに シアトル、サンフランシスコ、ロサンゼルス、ダラス、ブルックリン、シカゴのアメリカ6公演のヘッドライン・ツアーも開催決定。


HARU NEMURI is a Japanese singer, songwriter, and poetry rapper who had always made music for herself first, but now the world is listening -- even if they can't understand a word of the Japanese language in which she sings, raps and frequently screams.

Haru has built a dedicated following thanks to extensive touring in Japan and other parts of Asia, and sold out numerous shows in Europe on her first trip there in 2019, which included a performance at the legendary Primavera Sound festival in Barcelona. "In any region of the world, there are some things people can't express in words, and sometimes even after writing lyrics, there are other feelings that I have left in me," she says. "That's when it's time to shout. If people feel connected and supported by that, I'm really happy about it."

In 2022, Haru Nemuri finally did her first North America tour which had been postponed 4 times. Successfully all the shows were sold out. and she was invited to sang a song with Pussy Riot as a guest vocal on SXSW. In April, she released her second full-length album "SHUNKA RYOUGEN" which was given a score of 8.0 by Pitchfork. From October, she did "SHUNKA RYOUGEN" tour across 30 cities around the world. Ian MacKaye, who is the member of the greatest band of Hardcore 'FUGAZI', came to the show at Washington D.C.

And in 2023, she was chosen as one of 'RADAR : Early Noise 2023' artists by Spotify and she is going to perform for 'SUMMER SONIC 2023' and do the Europe tour for the first time in these 4 years. She has been drawing attention and announced to release her new work named "INSAINT".

On this planet where to live and to survive results in to resist, which unreasonable things such as discrimination, exploitation and violence have been under the acquiescence or negligence of public. Haru Nemuri is angry, screaming trying to deconstruct it. .

This is Japanese pop music of new generation, and her spirit is rock and roll.



東京都渋谷区宇田川町13-17 ライズビル地下
RISE Bldg,13-17 Udagawa,Shibuya,Tokyo 150-0041 JAPAN


東京都渋谷区宇田川町13-17 ライズビル2F
RISE Bldg 2F,13-17 Udagawa,Shibuya,Tokyo 150-0041 JAPAN


WWW / WWW Xでは22:00以降、
Over 20's only and Photo ID is required for admission to WWW / WWW X after 22:00.

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